It is not uncommon to observe an imbalance between how art institutions present themselves to the outside world and the actual working practice within their structures. Based on their own, often frustrating experiences working with art institutions in Berlin and internationally, Vanessa Brazeau, Stefan Klein, Paloma Sanchez-Palencia and Lena Skrabs developed the idea for a handbook with simple practical solutions for daily life in institutions or for individuals.
Numerous interviews with staff members of different art and cultural institutions on questions around mindfulness and care in their own practice are the basis for this work. It is intended to combine structural considerations and guidelines as well as everyday instructions for respectful and appreciative interaction in working life. Like Mierle Ladermann Ukeles with her manifesto or performances like "Hartford Wash: Washing, Tracks, Maintenance - Outside and Inside", they dedicate themselves to activities in the art business that are less obvious or visible to the outside - processes that keep 'the store' together and running. Our gaze is drawn to the 'between the lines', the 'behind the scenes', the interpersonal. A constructive hint to art institutions to rethink and question their actions. The reflections and hints are so universal that they can be transferred to other areas of life; for what is ultimately at stake is mutual care and mindfulness in the everyday.
The guideline is to be understood as a draft rather than a manifesto - as a changeable model that is to be subjected to constant re-evaluation through discourse and practical testing. In this way, it can make visible the continuous process of revision and active unlearning of one's own actions. Users are invited to adapt and revise the content.
InCollaboration with: Vanessa Brazeau, Paloma Sanchez-Palencia & Lena Skrabs. With support and inspiration from: Charlotte Arens, Duygo Örs, George Perec, Katharina Koch, Ki Hyun Park, Lorenzo Sandoval, Mierle Laderman Ukeles, Sophya Frohberg, The Watch (Jean-Ulrick Désert, Franziska Koenig- Paratore, Dominique Hurth, Marcela Moraga, Irina Novarese and Jo Zahn), Sylvia Sadzinski.
This project was possible with the love, help and inspiration from many and because of the generous support of Zeitraumexit and The Watch .
Print: Umweltdruckerei Lokay
Paper: Vivus89/Mundoplus
Illustrations: Francis Ortega
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